News Articles
Return to play for soccer athletes and risk for future injury
Source: NCBI
Return to play and future ACL injury risk after ACL reconstruction in soccer athletes from the Multicenter Orthopaedic Outcomes Network (MOON) group.
Stem Cell Therapy for treatment of pain, disease, and orthopedic injuries
Source: Ncbi
Stem cell research plays an important role in orthopedic regenerative medicine today. Current literature provides us with promising results from animal research in the fields of bone, tendon,
What is the best thing for stiff joints?
Source: Medical News Today
Many people experience stiff joints as they age. Others may experience joint stiffness due to medical conditions and lifestyle choices. Sometimes, people can treat stiff joints at home.
Health Tip: Signs You Need Rotator Cuff Surgery
Source: Consumer Healthday
The rotator cuff is a collection of tendons and muscles that surround the shoulder. It's common for athletes -- for example, baseball pitchers -- to injure this area.
Less pain post TKA with addition of peripheral nerve blocks
Source: Medical Xpress
Addition of an interspace between the popliteal artery and capsule of the posterior knee (IPACK) block and adductor canal block (ACB) to periarticular injection (PAI) is associated with less pain after total knee arthroplasty (TKA)
Getting back in shape in 2018? Great, but do it safely
Source: Consumer Healthday
Jumping whole-hog into an exercise regime is a good way to get yourself hurt if you haven't worked out for a while, experts say.
"People get into trouble when they want to do too much too soon," said Dr. Gerardo Miranda-Comas, an assistant professor of rehabilitation at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. "You need to increase your level of activity gradually."
What is a hairline fracture?
Source: Medical News Today
Hairline or stress fractures are tiny cracks on a bone that often develop in the foot or lower leg. It is common for hairline fractures to occur as a result of sports that involve repetitive jumping or running.
Obesity to Blame for Epidemic of Knee Problems
Source: Webmd
"Obesity greatly increases the complications and costs of care," said study lead author Dr. Joey Johnson, an orthopedic trauma fellow at Brown University's Warren Alpert Medical School.
As the rate of obesity increases, the rate of knee dislocations increases. The total number of patients who are obese is increasing, so we are seeing more of these problems.
Over-the-counter painkillers treated painful injuries just as well as opioids in new study
Source: Latimes
In an opioid epidemic that currently claims an average of 91 lives per day, there have been many paths to addiction. For some, it started with a fall or a sports injury, a trip to a nearby emergency room and a prescription for a narcotic pain reliever that seemed to work well in the ER.
Using your own stem cells to help your body heal osteoarthritis
Source: Medical Xpress
The most common form of degenerative joint disease, affecting millions worldwide, osteoarthritis (OA) is both quite ordinary and, for many of us, somewhat inevitable. The cause is deceptively simple: Over the years, the slick rubbery cartilage that pads and protects the ends of our bones simply wears down, eventually leaving bone rubbing painfully against bone.